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- 02/04/90 **** DOCUMENTATION ****
- Version 1.0
- Heidelbe is SHAREWARE. If you find it of use you are "required" to
- register it. Please use this typeface at your own risk. No
- warranty is expressed or implied. Though it has been thoroughly
- tested with PageMaker,Notepad Write, and Ventura Publisher neither
- Steve Shubitz nor Published Perfection! is responsible for any
- adverse actions which might occur through the use of Heidelbe.
- Permission is hereby granted to Compuserve to post this on their
- system for downloading by subscribers. (C) 1989-1990 Steve Shubitz
- * Published Perfection! * Authorization granted to distribute by
- any other means as long as the contents of this zip file are not
- altered. Specific permission granted to ASP Vendors to distribute
- To use this PostScript typeface with Windows you MUST have the
- MICROGRAFX PostScript Driver Version 2.1. Simply copy Heidelbe.pfa
- and Heidelbe.wfm to the directory you have told the MGX driver you
- keep your downloadable fonts in. On most systems this will be
- \psfonts. Next delete mgxps.fit from this same directory. Then
- launch Windows and gain access to the driver
- through PageMaker or control.exe. Either download Heidelbe to your
- printer or leave it's status as inline. Screen fonts will be
- substituted in by Windows. Next select Heidelbe so it appears in
- your list of typefaces and is shown as downloaded or inline. Start
- PageMaker and open the supplied publication called Heidelbe.pm3.
- It's a 7 page document and will show you how the characters are
- mapped above 125 along with two Postscript files using Heidelbe.
- Kerning examples are also provided along with character samples.
- At the very least you should keep the print out of page 1 for
- future reference since it tells you how to access these characters
- in PageMaker. If you try and print all 7 pages in one print job on
- some systems your print job may abort. Changing your transmission
- retry setting to 500 via control.exe may cure this problem. In
- that case print each page separately or select re-try. Some
- systems may experience better luck completing this 7 page print
- out if Heidelbe is selected as Inline....it's your choice.
- Copy Heidelbe.afm and Heidelbe.pfa to the directory you keep your
- PostScript fonts in. On most systems this will be c:\psfonts. If
- you want to check the location open postscpt.cnf which is in your
- Ventura directory. I have also enclosed Heidelbe.wid which assigns
- number 306 to Heidelbe. If this does not conflict with your system
- just copy it to your Ventura directory. If it does you will have
- to run afmtovfm and vfmtowid. Heidelbe.lst is also enclosed for
- just this purpose. After completing these steps you are ready to
- start VP and use Heidelbe. Screen fonts will be substituted in by
- VP.The choice of weather to use Heidelbe as download or resident
- is up to you. If you select resident then use the proper utility
- to download Heidelbe to your printer before you run VP. If you
- wish to see the mapping for the extended characters load
- charset.chp. Select Heidelbe as the font for this document and
- print it. Retain this 2 page print out for future reference.
- Please consult your manuals if you need further help.
- A file called Heidelbe.afm is also provided for your use. One of
- it's uses is to allow you to convert Heidelbe for use with Corel
- Draw. Launch WFNBOSS and select Substitution and tell it where
- Heidelbe.afm is located and then convert it to CD's own .wfn
- format. If you try Readable PostScript by mistake WFNBOSS will not
- convert Heidelbe. Corel's WFNBOSS ONLY supports Fontographer
- Version 3.X generated fonts via Substitution. If you own other
- PostScript Type 3 faces created with Version 2.x of Fontographer
- you may use Readable PostScript for the conversion. Corel has
- promised to upgrade WFNBOSS to support Fontographer Version 3.x
- generated fonts via Readable PostScript in the not to distant
- future. Once the conversion is complete close WFNBOSS and launch
- CD. Heidelbe will appear as the last entry in the list of
- available typefaces. I use BANFF for a screen display. Please
- consult your Manuals if you need further help.
- Heidelbe was designed by Bill Horton of Santa Barbara CA. Bill has
- been working with type for over 20 years and is very talented. The
- name was shortened for DOS. Bill shares in the Shareware income
- and has provided us with exclusive rights to distribute and
- convert Heidelbe for the DOS platform. To view his work in
- Fontographer is a joy. I have also set Heidelbe as a masthead for
- a newspaper and used it with restraint for enlarged caps. It is a
- splendid face for certificates and awards which looks it's best at
- 2540 DPI. What follows are Bill's own words:
- In what might be called an evolutionary process, here is the font
- Heidelberg 89. It is what I consider to be a refinement to
- MacHumaine, though it is conceivable others may prefer the
- previous version.
- It is my feeling that Heidelberg is more truly a calligraphic
- style font than MacHumaine, with its more severe strokes and
- sharper angles. I have used it for certificates commercially and
- have had good comments only. I know there is a school of thought
- which believes it is improper to create a font that simulates
- actual pen or quill hand writing.
- Without the help of a number of people this technology
- would have never been possible. Altsys Corporation for
- Fontographer. Certain PostScript modifications by Barry
- Nostradamus Sher of Nostradamus Advertising,New York,NY
- (212-581-1362). Advice and words of encouragement from Pat
- Beirne,Kathleen Tinkel,Stephen Owades,and Eldor Gemst. To the best
- of my knowledge Heidelbe is the SECOND Shareware fully functional
- PostScript typeface for Windows and Ventura Publisher. It may also
- be the second in this area for the PC platform. Our own Diego1
- being the FIRST.
- If Heidelbe is output at higher resolutions than 300 DPI I would
- appreciate a sample. Knowing that Heidelbe is a well behaved font
- I am sure that it will be used with other applications that run
- from DOS as well as GEM and Windows.Please give me specifics in
- this area. Your thoughts are always welcome for future fine
- tuning.
- Perhaps your user manual or a fine bit of research on the use of
- the MGX driver which is available on CIS in the msapp library 2
- called MGX.NOS. by Barry "NOS" Sher (CIS# 76200,3631)
- If you find Heidelbe of use and wish to help insure the
- development of future low cost high quality PostScript typefaces
- please send $20.00 along with your name and address to:
- Steve Shubitz
- Published Perfection!
- 7486 La Jolla Blvd. Suite 552
- La Jolla CA. 92037
- (619) 546-9309
- CIS # 72047,3402
- InterLink (DTP Forum:Steve Shubitz)
- If you use Heidelbe and don't register it you won't help me much
- and certainly won't receive upgrades or future releases of other
- typefaces for Shareware evaluation. If and when the Type 1 specs
- become available and Altsys releases Metamorphis or any utility to
- better hint at low resolution and small point size registered
- users will get an upgrade at a nominal cost.
- Support is available by phone,CIS, and InterLink. I am available
- for large Electronic Publishing jobs as well as Consulting using
- Windows. If you desire a custom typeface or conversion of Type 3
- Fontographer faces from the MAC to the PC please contact me for
- specific quotes. It is the humble opinion of yours truly that
- Heidelbe is equal to or exceeds any Type 3 PostScript typeface
- available today. Many have suggested that we sell the face in the
- retail market like most other vendors and only release a
- "crippled" version for Shareware Evaluation. That's a subtle hint
- that I need YOUR support for continued success. If Shareware works
- then that's the way all future typefaces will be released and that
- is my preferred method at the present time. We currently have 11
- more PostScript typefaces under development.
- Version 1.0 This is the first release.
- Diego1 (Version 1.2) is the latest.
- Any software mentioned in this Documentation is the registered
- Trademark of the respective company.
- **EOF**
- *